Programme: B.Tech Semester: First Course: CS1104 COMPUTER PROGRAMING USING C
12-Dec-2022 Introduction to C: Basic Structure of C program Constants
13-Dec-2022 Variable and data types, Operators and Expressions, Arithmetic precedence and associativity
19-Dec-2022 Type conversions, Managing Input and Output formatted input, Formatted output.
20-Dec-2022 Decision Making, Branching, Looping: Decision making with if statement, Simple if statement, The if…. else statement, Nesting of if…. else statement.
27-Dec-2022 if ladder, switch statement, the (?) operator, the GOTO statement. The while statement, the do statement, The for statement, jumps in loops.
02-Jan-2023 Arrays & Strings: One, Two dimensional Arrays, Character arrays, declaration and initialization of strings,
10-Jan-2023 Assignment – 1 [Last date 03-Feb-2023]
23-Jan-2023 Mid Exam 1
30-Jan-2023 Reading and writing of strings, Strings handling functions, table of strings.
06-Feb-2023 Functions: Definition of functions, return values and their types, Function calls, Function declaration, category of functions.
07-Feb-2023 No arguments and no return values, Arguments but no return values, Arguments with return values, Bo Argument but return values.
10-Feb-2023 Assignment – 2
13-Feb-2023 Function that return multiple values, Nesting of functions, recursion, passing arrays to functions, passing strings to functions, the scope, visibility and lifetime of variables.
14-Feb-2023 Test – 1 3 marks
21-Feb-2023 Pointers: Accessing the address of a variable, declaration pointer variable, initialization of pointer variable.
27-Feb-2023 Accessing variables using pointers, chain of pointers, pointer expressions, pointer and arrays, pointers and character strings
28-Feb-2023 Array of pointers, pointers as function arguments, functions returning pointers, pointers to functions, pointers to structures- program applications
06-Mar-2023 Revision of Pointers [Remedial Class]
07-Mar-2023 Structure and unions: Defining a structure, declaring structure variables, accessing structure members, structure initialization.
13-Mar-2023 Copying and comparing structure variables, arrays of structures, arrays within structures, structures within structures, structure and functions and unions, size of structures and bit-fields-program applications
13-Mar-2023 Additional class 16:00 to 1700hrs to review and teach for slow learners
14-Mar-2023 Structures within structures, structure and functions and unions, size of structures and bit-fields-program applications
14-Mar-2023 Additional class 16:00 to 1700hrs to review and teach for slow learners
16-Mar-2023 Additional class 16:00 to 1700hrs to review and teach for slow learners
20-Mar-2023 File Handling: Defining and opening a file. Closing a file, input/output operations on files, Error handling during I/O operations, random access to files and command line arguments-program applications.
21-Mar-2023 Random access to files and command line arguments-program applications.
23-Mar-2023 Mid Exam – 2
Textbook: Programming in ANSI Cby E Balagurusamy 6th Edition McGraw Hill Edu (India) Pvt Ltd.
Reference books:
Let us C Yashwant Kanetkar BPB Publications 5th Edition.
Computer Science, A structured programming approach using C, B.A Forouzan and RF Gilberg 3rd Edition Thomson 2007
The C- Programming Language BW Keringhan Dennis M Ritchue PHI
Scientific Programming C- Language Algorithms and Models in Science Luciano M Berone (Author) EnzoMarinari, Giovanni Organtini World Scientific.
Programming in C, Assignment 1: Last date for submission is 31-Jan-2023.
All questions should be answered. Do not copy from any sources. Marks will be given, only if found no plagiarism. Your name and number should be written clearly on the right top corner of the assignment.
1. Write about flow chart, pseudo code and programmable code.
2. What are the type of Expressions in ‘C’. Write one line about each giving one example to each type.
3. Write about scanf and give one or two examples.
4. Write about printf and give one or two examples.
5. What #include does in C.
6. What are the different type of integers and show, how you declare.
7. How do you declare an array. Give an example.
8. Narrate ‘switch’ case with an example.
9. Write a pseudo code and explain the “While – do”.
10. Write a pseudo code and explain the “if – then -else”.
Mid Examination – I : (Answer any four Questions)
1. Write a flowchart to compute the largest number of the given ‘n’ numbers?
2. Explain about the basic data types in C language with examples.
3. Explain arithmetic operators with examples.
4. What are the bitwise operators and give with examples.
5. Explain conditional operators with examples.
6. Define local and global variables with example.
Test/Assignment 2:
Write three programs to perform the following:
1. Read a matrix of an order mxn [m,n are given below]
2. Add 5 to all the elements of the matrix, if the element belongs to even row.
3. Subtract 5 to all the elements of the matrix if the element belongs to even column.
Assignment 3: Posted on 22-Feb-2023. Last date for submission 01-March-2023
Write a program to read two matrices using functions and add and subtract these two matrices.
Write a program to swap two numbers using functions.
Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation using a function.
Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using a function.